Overview: During WISPAPALOOZA 2017, an IPpay account executive was speaking with an employee of SHS Networks, a wireless internet service provider, about their merchant service provider and their credit card processing with use of a third-party gateway.
Challenge: In speaking to the IPpay account executive, the SHS Networks employee realized that things could be better. Upon statement review it was found that SHS was paying a merchant service provider 11% for credit card processing. Moreover, SHS was using a third-party gateway to run transactions. This was slowing things down and making the company less profitable.
Requirements: SHS Networks knew that their current setup was not working. They were spending an exorbitant amount of money on their processing as well as a large amount of time on their bookkeeping and other related tasks. Whatever the solution that IPpay implemented needed to be one that would solve both issues.
Solution: The same account executive who had started these talks at WISPAPALOOZA worked with the SHS Networks team after the show closed to ensure proper handling of the issue and comfort for the client. In working with them, he found several helpful ways to help SHS take advantage of the system that was already in place in a way that would save their business both time and money. The IPpay team worked quickly with the account executive to set the client up in our system so that they could begin saving money right away.
Results: In working with IPpay, SHS Networks could navigate the complex waters of credit card processing, gateways, and more to help streamline their business. With the guidance and attention to detail of the same account executive who made the initial contact at WISPAPALOOZA, SHS Networks was able to save over 8% a month on their transactions, for a total of more than $16,000 saved a year in addition to a streamlined process that allowed them to manage their bookkeeping more easily.
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